Canva for managing social media scheduling
Working with contracts is a large part of small business management. Once in place, the requirements of a contract dictate the way in which small business operate. Due to the fact that contracts in essence underpin the viability and security of any business (large or small), this workshop aims to ensure business owners are given a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals involved in dealing with contracts.
This workshop works with participants on how to build a Strategic Plan in a clear and outcome focused manner. This technique and method has been used for Top Tier companies however the methodology is transferrable to any business regardless of size and industry. The focus is set on a succinct Overview for what you are trying to achieve, looks at your Key Strategic Priorities, Clear KPI’s and Deliverables required in achieving your Business Strategy. Our workshop is interactive and allows participants to engage together and with the facilitator to ensure clarity is reached at every step.
Workshop Overview This workshop explores the importance of Effective Relationships in business and how this can either promote or hinder outcomes. Defines what relationships look like, how to manage effective working relationships and how to develop effective working relationships. Personal Brand is the sleeping giant of business and we define what your Personal Brand looks like, review whether its important to have a Personal Brand and the benefits of promoting your Personal Brand
June 2022
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