Ever wished you could clone yourself?
Every time you tick something off of your ‘to-do’ list, 10 more things get added to it! It would be great to have some more help wouldn’t it? But staff are expensive and small business income in today’s economy means that taking on an employee locally is too high risk, or simply impossible financially. However, there is a solution.
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REGISTER NOW FOR THE TOURISM BUSINESS BREAKFAST SERIES! Indigenous Tourism Date: Wednesday 6th December 2017 at 7am Venue: Oaks Broome In partnership with Kimberley Small Business Support and the Broome Chamber of Commerce, the Broome Tourism Leadership Group is hosting a series of tourism business breakfasts to track industry performance, share information and inspire forward thinking. The ultimate outcome is to encourage investment into existing and new tourism products, and promote efficiency and outcomes by better using existing resources and business advisory services. Each event will be minuted with outcomes delivered to institutional bodies including Shire of Broome, BVC, ANW & BCCI and used as a real-time reference to industry sub-sector performance. Additionally, through partnership with the business advisory services, one-on-one business support will be offered through Kimberley Small Business Support's ASBAS NATI contract.