Broome - Dampier Peninsula
Derby - Fitzroy Crossing
Stewart MILNE
Stewart will be supporting businesses in Derby - Fitzroy Crossing
Stewart has been based in Derby since 2011 when he expanded his accounting business into the Kimberley. He has a strong financial background and been an accountant since 2007 after gaining experience in Banking and Finance with Westpac Bank for 15 years and 5 years as a finance broker. He holds a degree in finance and banking and a post graduate diploma in corporations law. He has experience in running a business as a company secretary and financial controller and runs his own business with offices in Perth and Derby. He is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and has a broad knowledge in financial management.
Stewart is also involved in the Derby Chamber of Commerce as past President and has a strong motivation to promote the Kimberley as a whole to the broader community. He has a strong affinity and understanding of the issues affecting regional Australia and the challenges of living and operating businesses in remote locations.
Stewart is also involved in the Derby Chamber of Commerce as past President and has a strong motivation to promote the Kimberley as a whole to the broader community. He has a strong affinity and understanding of the issues affecting regional Australia and the challenges of living and operating businesses in remote locations.
Kununurra - Halls Creek - Wyndham